Green Finance
The risk posed by climate change demands resilience and adaptability in our responses. To actualize our sustainable development strategy, we support net-zero initiatives and direct funding towards investment in green industries.
Green Finance Products
Green Investment
The general public is increasingly concerned with economic activities and the associated risks on the environment and natural resources as global climate change intensifies, giving rise to the concept of a low-carbon economy, which is considered to play a key role in maximizing long-term economic growth. Meanwhile, green investment has also emerged as a popular theme. CDF mainly invests in green industries with its two major subsidiaries, CDIB Capital and China Life, and actively responds to government policies. The total investment in 5+2 industrial transformation planamounted to NT$156.7 billion, of which nearly 80% of the investments are in green energy technology plus circular economy.
Policy and Goal
To ensure that the organizational goals and key decisions in terms of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices are consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, CDF adopts a top-down corporate governance structure. With effective policies, management systems, and controls in place, CDF integrates SDGs into the decision-making process to create a responsible banking business model in line with the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). CDF is also committed to promoting green finance through green project financing, green lending, and green bond underwriting in hopes of speeding up the transformation and sustainable development of the renewable energy industry in Taiwan.
Performance and Goal 2020
Action plan Performance Goal
Implement responsible investment and green finance, and incorporate ESG into investment decision actions.
  • Participated in one ESG investment forum.
  • Investment research reports included in CSR evaluation reached 100%, an important evaluation milestone in investment decisions.
  • Actively participated in the shareholders' meetings of listed investee companies, with a participation rate of over 100%.
  • The evaluation rate of research reports reached 100%, an important evaluation criterion for investment decisions.
  • Organize ESG investment education training for investment analysts.
  • Expect to have 80% of the foreign funds and ETF-issuing group companies sign with PRI.
  • Attend 95% of shareholders’ meetings of investee companies as per statutory requirements.
  • Continue to participate in ESG investment forums to understand the topics and trends of responsible investment.
  • Continue to invest in 5+2 industries and increase the amount by 5% in 2021, including a 50% increase in solar power plants
  • Add linkable ESG targets in investment insurance products to provide policyholders with more choices.
Promote investments in the green industry
  • Principal Investments
  • Achieved the balance of investments in green industry of approximately NT$115.4 billion
Develop strategies and policies in response to climate change
  1. Nurture businesses in smart technology or environmental innovations
  2. Aging population problem
  3. Support the development of the cultural & creative industry
  4. Foster innovating industries

Our funds

  • CDIB Capital Growth Partners closed at NT$4.54 billion
  • CDIB Capital Healthcare Ventures raised two health care funds in Taiwan with a total amount of NT$4.86 billion and CDIB Yida Healthcare Private Equity Enterprise with a total amount of RMB730 million
  • CDIB Capital Creative Industries closed at NT$1.5 billion
  • CDIB Capital Innovation Accelerator funding scale reached NT$1.29 billion.
Continue to explore investment projects in AI technology, environmental innovation, potential medicine, cultural and creative industries.
Promote green-energy upgrades and help raise funds for the green-energy-technology industry with compounded annual growth rate of 8%~10% for the next three years. 2020 green credit balance was NT$16.578 billion.
  • Complete the assessment of responsible banking principles.
  • Inventory ESG risks in credit areas deepen the introduction of the Equator Principles, revise the green financing review principle to the principle of responsible credit, and evaluate the establishment of excluded industries.
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