Dumbo Scholarship program helps kids’dreams come true; now open for applications

Apr 15, 2019
Press Release

The CDIB Education and Cultural Affairs Foundation’s Dumbo Scholarship program is now open for applications through the end of December, accepting applications or recommendations from school teachers or social workers. In the applications, junior high or elementary school students with interest or potential in sports, dance, art, music, and other skills should describe their areas of specialization. If they are accepted, they will receive scholarships which could help their dreams come true. 

The name of the program is drawn from the animated film Dumbo, in which the main character was born with large ears like wings. He is often given strange looks from others, but nobody knows he actually has the potential to fly. The Dumbo Scholarship program taps talented junior high or elementary school students who don’t have financial support from their families and therefore can’t afford educational expenses. They may not do well academically, but could have significant talent in other areas. With the appropriate planning and resources, the program allows these children to continue to learn and develop their skills. According to the Foundation, school teachers and social workers play a key role in discovering and unlocking such gifts, helping to arrange the most suitable courses. 

Among CDF’s sponsored students are the little dancers from Yuemei Elementary School in Shoufeng Township, Hualien City. Located on the Coastal Mountain Range County Road 193, the school has only 28 students, with 90% being Amis. Blessed with a good sense of rhythm and coordination, a belly dance team was formed and utilized as a prominent feature of the school. In 2016, Dean of Students, Lin Hengli helped the team apply to CDF’s Dumbo Scholarship program. With stable funding to hire teachers, the Yuemei belly dance team can continue. It has been chosen several times to represent Hualien City in national competitions where they made a positive impression. 

Lin often has these children practice during self-study sessions and has invited a professional dance teacher to the school to coach them on a weekly basis, with funding from CDF. The Yuemei dance team won the Team Excellence Award in 2017 and 2018 National Community College Belly Dance Competition. Lin said, “The funds from CDF not only helped these kids continue learning dance skills, but has also helped establish self-confidence.” 

The CDIB Education and Cultural Affairs Foundation’s Dumbo Scholarship program is a long-running program that helps talented junior high and elementary school students lacking resources realize their dreams. The program has sponsored over 100 applications, granting up to NT$120,000 to each winning individual application and up to NT$200,000 to each winning team application. Teachers and social workers are encouraged to discover “Dumbos” around them. 

Detailed rules for the application are available at http://www.cdibf.org/show/show1.htm 


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