Occupational Safety
Prioritizing safety, we diligently work to create a secure environment and reassess a variety of safety measures and protocols to protect our staff and contractors from potential hazards in their roles.
Health Care and Workplace Safety

CDF actively establishes a high-quality working environment and a workplace taking into account physical and mental health. The Company started introducing ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Safety and Health Management System in 2020 to improve workplace health and safety. In 2021, KGIS passed the certification, covering Dazhi Building and Taikai Building, including 1,497 employees(consisting of 1,437 permanent employees, 60 non-permanent employees, with a ratio of 96:4), followed by continuous passing of the annual re-review in 2022 and 2023. CDF also issued the “CDF Occupational Safety and Health Policy” in 2022, which was approved by CEO and applicable to all Group employees (including permanent and non-permanent employees). We are committed to continuous improvement of our occupational safety and health management system, while KGIS first introduced ISO45001 occupational safety and health management system, and we will develop action plans for high-risk issues based on the results of risk assessments and establish quantitative targets for improvement. The Company solicits internal opinions in a wide range, and strengthens the relevant management mechanisms.

In addition, KGI Life has completed the establishment of an “Occupational Safety and Health Committee,” consisting of 1 chairman and 8 members, including 4 labor representatives, accounting for 44% of the total number of members. The committee meets regularly every quarter to discuss issues related to occupational safety and health risks.

Health Care and Workplace Safety

Type of risk Prevention and mitigation measures

Employee Care

  • Provide health checks that are better than legal requirements
  • Perform employment that is better than legal requirements of contract professional doctors, and provide health consultation of occupational disease and general injury on a regularly basis
  • Care for employees who suffer accidental injuries or are hospitalized due to illness
  • Promote the information on infectious disease prevention and health-care through internal website, e-mails or electronic bulletin boards, with a total of 122 issues.
  • KGIS also offers contracted postpartum center and kindergarten.

Health Management

  • 37 health talks were held to promote health and relieve stress
  • Value employee’s psychological health by providing EAP employee assistance programs since 2018. The program expanded the applicable targets in June of 2022 to dispatch and contractual personnel, providing more complete assistance programs. So that employees and partners can receive instant and professional consultation and assistance in midst of challenge.
  • KGIB established the workplace health management system: Employees’ personal health manager APP is readily available.

Occupational Safety Facilities

  • The Company has installed automated external defibrillators (AED), blood pressure meters, wheelchairs and other facilities. China Life Insurance has received the AED certification issued by Ministry of Health and Welfare; KGIB and KGIS have an infirmary in place.
  • Our colleagues have obtained the certificate of “Indoor Air Quality Maintenance and Management Specialist”
  • Implement automatic inspection of workplace facilities, and environmental monitoring (including carbon dioxide concentration and workplace illumination) in the first and second half of the year

Workplace Hazard Risk Assessment

  • Four major programs: Overwork-related diseases prevention management program, Human-caused harm prevention program, Maternity health protection program, and Workplace violence prevention program

Occupational Accident Response

  • Conduct maintenance and report of workplace fire safety facilities and buildings in the workplace on a regular basis
  • Set up fire safety administrators and self-defense groups to hold fire alarm drills and evacuation drills every year as required by law
  • Actively cooperate and participate in joint fire drills or emergency evacuation drills held by building management committees.
  • Develop emergency response plans and notification mechanisms
  • KGIB has organized a total of 102 anti-robbery drills (51 branches and one drill to be held every half year).

Workplace Facilities and Activities

  • Establish an employee fitness room with better conditions than legal requirements
  • Sign contracts with fitness centers to assist employees to set up health-promoting clubs (currently 30 in total)
  • Operate an employee cafeteria with better conditions than legal requirements and acquire the certification for “green restaurant” to offer healthy, nutritious and delicious lunches and with “no-red-meat day” per month to employees.
  • Set up an employee leisure area at the lobby of the office building or outdoor to provide space for physical and mental relaxation. Install coffee machines at fixed locations of the floors to provide drinks for employees.
  • Establish breast-feeding facilities better than legal requirements, which have been accredited as “Excellent” by the Taipei City Government.
  • CDIB, KGIS, and CL receive the “Healthy Workplace” certification from the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • A total of 146 people received influenza vaccination and nearly 2,000 people have measured blood pressure. 

Social Care

  • KGIB employed four visually-disabled masseurs as permanent employees, who work four hours every day to help other CDF employees relax. A 15-minute massage free of charge is offered to employees at 16:00PM four days a week, to implement the corporate social responsibility. The service has been well-received but in consideration of pandemic situations in 2022, the service was extended to October 20, with nearly 500 employees receiving massage services.
  • KGIS started offering visually-disabled massage to employees since November in 2022. Employees can receive 20-minute free massage services at 16:00PM 4 weeks a day, to implement the corporate-private sector common good and has been well-received in employees. About 240 people use the service per month.
  • 3 session of blood donation with a total of 275 bags of blood donated, consisting of approximately 70,000 cc blood.

Responses to COVID-19

  • Set up an “Epidemic Response Team,” establish a notification mechanism, announce the latest news and policies, and implement epidemic prevention measures.
  • Implement remote and home office, promote telephone and video conferences, and distribute rapid testing kits in response to the government's epidemic prevention policies.
  • For employees isolated at home and of confirmed COVID-19 cases, express care via phone or email.
Occupational Safety Data

We provide employees practical training courses on workplace health and safety, including proper computer postures and habits, to help employees who use computers for daily work manage their health.

Occupational Safety Courses

Occupational Safety Courses 2020 2021 2022

Number of Classes




Training Hours




Number of Participants




Engagement Rate




Note: ​
1. Employees are required to take relevant courses for 3 hours or more accumulatively every 3 years. The number of trainees 14,408 people in 2020, 4,284 people in 2021, and 8,689 people in 2022. ​
2. Reason for participation below 100%: Employees resigned before training, after they have been assigned the training. ​
Actively participating in public affairs, and promoting sustainable development to implement corporate social responsibility is our top priority.