Board of Directors
Meet the board of directors and members of various functional committees. Explore how they spearhead all key initiatives to ensure success in our pursuit of sustainability.
Board of Director’s List
Alan Wang
Jong-Chin Shen
Vice Chairman
Paul Yang
Steve Bertamini
Lionel de Saint-Exupéry
Hung-Yi Hsiao
Tyzz-Jiun Duh
Independent Director
Shih-Chieh Chang
Independent Director
Wei Chung
Independent Director
Functional Committees
Effectiveness of Functional Committees in 2022
Committee Audit Committee Compensation Committee Sustainability Committee Risk Management Committee Ethical Corporate Management Committee Nomination and Performance Evaluation Committee Business Development, Investment, and Major Capital Expenditure
Year of Establishment 2011 2011 2014 2019 2019 2022 2022
MembersNote All independent directors All independent directors
Chairman, president, 1 independent director, KGIS chairman, KGIB president, 1 independent director from CL, and 1 external director from CDIB All independent directors, CEO, Chief Risk Officer Chairman, 2 independent directors, one director from KGIB and KGIS respectively, and CL president Vice chairman, president, 1 director, and 1 independent director Vice chairman, president, 1 director, and 2 independent directors
No. of Members Note 3 people 3 people 7 people 5 people 6 people 3 people 5 people
Proportion of members who are independent directors of the Company or subsidariesNote 100% 100% 28.6% 60% 67% 33% 40%
NO. of Meetings held 13 13 4 5 2 1 2
Average Actual Attendance Rate 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90%
 Note:Data dated March 31, 2023.
Audit Committee Charter of China Development F...
Remuneration Committee Charter of China Develo...
Risk Management Committee
Qualification and Independence Analysis
Name & Title Holding Company Commercial Banking Securities / Insurance PE/VC Investment Government & Public Sector Execution & Strategic Planning Risk Management Financial Services Corporate Governance Business & Marketing Leadership Information Technology/Information Security International Experience Functional Committee
Alan Wang
Jong-Chin Shen
Vice Chairman
Paul Yang
Stefano Paolo Bertamini
Jing Hui Investment Co., Ltd. Representative
Hung-Yi Hsiao
Director, Jing Hui Investment Co., Ltd. Representative
Lionel de Saint-Exupéry
Director GPPC, Chemical Corp. Representative
Tyzz-Jiun Duh
Independent Director
Shih-Chieh Chang
Independent Director
Wei Chung
Independent Director
Professional Qualifications and Independence
Diversity and Independence (8th-Term Board of Directors)
Board Performance Evaluation

In order to implement corporate governance and enhance the functions of the BoD, CDF establishes performance targets to enhance the operational efficiency of the BoD. The Company established the “Principles for the Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors,” to conduct at least one internal performance evaluation of Board’s performance every year to evaluate the whole BoD, including individual Board members and functional committees. Since 2018, CDF should enlist independent institutions or experts and scholars in conducting external evaluation at least once every three years to strengthen the independence and effectiveness of Board’s performance.

Board Performance Evaluation
The self-evaluation of the board as a whole
  1. Participation in the operation of the company
  2. Improvement of the quality of the board of directors' decision making
  3. Composition and structure of the board of directors
  4. Election and continuing education of the directors
  5. Internal control
  6. Participation in environmental, social and governance initiatives (ESG)
    The self-evaluation by individual board members
    1. Familiarity with the goals and missions of the company
    2. Awareness of the duties of a director
    3. Participation in the operation of the company
    4. Management of internal relationship and communication
    5. Professionalism and continuing education of the directors
    6. Internal control
    The self-evaluation of functional committees
    1. Participation in the operation of the company
    2. Awareness of the duties of functional committees
    3. Improvement of the quality of the functional committees' decision making
    4. Composition and election of the functional committees
    5. Internal control
    2023 Outcome of CDF’s Performance Evaluation of the Board and Director
    Principles for the Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors
    Responsible Investment
    We leverage our financial capabilities to encourage enterprises to pursue ESG, creating a triple-win opportunity for the environment, society, and corporate governance.